About Sprouts

Play-based Learning

Research tells us that preschool children learn best through play. At Sprouts, students gain cognitive skills by investigating their interests in hands-on activities.

Preschoolers need to move and do

Our classroom is organized into learning centers. Students freely use play materials specifically chosen for exposure to math, science, and literacy.  Our day also involves group gatherings where we discuss new ideas, learn through games, and experience teamwork.

When school is a fun experience, children love learning

Children are natural learners, often driven by their own curiosity. We provide them with engaging, developmentally appropriate activities and they learn firsthand that school is a great place to be!

Whole Child Learning

Students at Sprouts gain confidence in their ability to communicate, manage their emotions, use their bodies, problem solve, and work cooperatively.

Teaching preschool involves all domains of development

The Montana Early Learning Standards serves as our guide for setting individual learning goals across 4 developmental domains: emotional and social, physical, communication, and cognition.

Rich experiences in an intimate classroom

Sprouts offers a home-based classroom and small class size. This intimacy allows us understand your child as an individual and build relationships that support healthy development.

Meet the teacher

Hi, my name is Ashley. I am the owner and lead teacher at Sprouts and mom to four.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in business, a Child Development Associate credential, and the Montana Preschool Teacher certificate.  Each year I complete a minimum of 20 hours of continued training in the field of early childhood development.

My goal is for each child to experience the joy of school, grow at their pace, and be proud of their hard work in doing so. The first step in meeting that goal is building a relationship with each student and forming a partnership with their family.

Continual Improvement

We are proud to participate in the Montana Best Beginnings Stars to Quality program.

Stars is a quality rating and improvement system

As participants in Stars, we maintain registration with Montana Child Care Licensing and work to implement quality standards above and beyond licensing requirements. We continually evaluate our program and set goals for further improvement. Sprouts has reached level 4 in the 5 star program.

Stars allows us to accomplish more for our students

Participation in Stars means we have access to annual professional assessments of our program, financial incentives, and support from a variety of early childhood professionals in the form of consulting, coaching, and training events.

what parents are saying...

Kelli larson
I have been amazed at how much my son has learned over the last 2 years at Sprouts Preschool.  Ashley does a great job at keeping things fresh and exciting, while also keeping basic structure consistent.  I feel this has helped foster a love for learning, creativity, self confidence, and independence.  I definitely think Sprouts has prepared him well for kindergarten next year!
Christa schallock
Sprouts was an excellent choice for our family. My girls loved the environment and I felt like they were beyond prepared for Kindergarten! They came out knowing their letters, numbers, and good social skills. The foundations and friendships that were built at Sprouts are something that we will forever be thankful for.
Kyle & Leah Nelson
We have loved being a part of Sprouts preschool.  Ashley makes learning a fun and playful experience for her students, finding creative ways to explore learning by creating an engaging environment. The Sprouts program has taught our son emotional and social intelligence, and we've seen him grow leaps and bounds academically...

  • 40323 Farm Road
    Polson, MT 59860

  • (406) 270-4518
  • sprouts.polson@gmail.com

  • Preschool: Tues/Thurs 7:45am-2:45pm
    Information: Call or email anytime!

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