
I have been amazed at how much my son has learned over the last 2 years at Sprouts Preschool.  Ashley does a great job at keeping things fresh and exciting, while also keeping basic structure consistent.  I feel this has helped foster a love for learning, creativity, self confidence, and independence.  I definitely think Sprouts has prepared him well for kindergarten next year!

Kelli Larson

We have loved being a part of Sprouts preschool.  Ashley makes learning a fun and playful experience for her students, finding creative ways to explore learning by creating an engaging environment. The Sprouts program has taught our son emotional and social intelligence, and we've seen him grow leaps and bounds academically.  Ashley pays close attention to each students needs and does her very best to communicate ways to engage with your child at home in practical, everyday situations.  We've loved the small classroom size and the "at home" feeling that sprouts has provided for our child.  When our son started at Sprouts he was timid about sharing in front of his peers and had some apprehension in other areas of the classroom, now he's confident and engaged. I have no doubt he's ready for the challenge of kindergarten! We're thankful for the nurturing environment that Sprouts has provided for our son.

Kyle & Leah Nelson

When my son started at Sprouts he was like any typical 3 year old. He couldn’t write legible letters or words, loved books but couldn’t read or pick out words on his own yet, and needed help with pretty much every task at hand. One of our biggest goals we set for him during his first year at Sprouts was to write his own name. I can honestly say that after that first year, not only was he writing his own name, but he was also writing many more simple words! He also was able to start recognizing small words as we read books together. He could recognize and write almost all of his letters, knew the alphabet like the back of his hand and also was counting way higher than I ever expected at ages 3-4 years old. By the end of his two years at Sprouts he has learned so much academically but I’ve also noticed how much he has come along with his independence. Things along the lines of putting his coat on and zipping it up, putting his own shoes on by himself, washing his hands properly, cleaning up after himself and using his words more to help express himself just to name a few. He made so many good friends and memories at Sprouts and absolutely loved his teacher Ms. Ashley. She is so invested in her students and really goes the extra mile to make sure she is up to date and on top of the preschool curriculum. She is very kind and patient with the kids and keeps them in a well balanced atmosphere. One of the things I love most about her set up is how organized and structured she is. She keeps the kids learning, having fun and staying active but never lets things get overly chaotic. The facility is clean, well-kept, exciting and organized. Plus they have a very fun outside playground! We will truly miss Sprouts and Ms. Ashley as my son ventures on to kindergarten in the fall. And as a parent I am at ease knowing how well she prepared him to get there.

Holly & David Lewing

Sprouts was an excellent choice for our family. My girls loved the environment and I felt like they were beyond prepared for Kindergarten! They came out knowing their letters, numbers, and good social skills. The foundations and friendships that were built at Sprouts are something that we will forever be thankful for.

Schallock Family